Sunday, 17 April 2011

The End of an Era

Well it’s been nearly two months since the last time I blogged, and to be honest, I just have not felt like it as I have been on an all time low, and this will be my last blog about Minnow. But let me start with a question:

What goes bop bop boperty bop – kerching?

Anyway back to this blog. Minnow is still up at Norton Canes and we have not been down to her for months, her brasses are all dull, her ropework is green and she’s looking a little unloved. Went down to her on Saturday though with a crowbar and broke the locks off the back cabin as the keys have still not been returned yet. The batteries were completely flat so I could not pump the rain water out the hold and I could not even charge them because we had taken absolutely everything home, including the genny and the battery charger weeks previously when we thought she was sold. I proceeded to spend the next two hours bailing the water out using only an old pot noodle tub! With this completed I waited for the arrival of a couple of new friends who I’d arranged to meet there. After initial meets and greets we set about having a bottle of beer in the glorious sun shine, then I was asked if I could fire the Bolinder up for them, which of cause I did and the threesome sat in the sun, drinking their beer and being gently rocked by Minnow’s Bolinder. Eventually the time had come for us to leave and so I locked every thing up and we walked back to the cars where I handed the keys over to Minnow’s new owner. So that’s it, Blossom is now boatless, but not for too long I hope.

So till next time

Dow bang ‘em about

A boatless Blossom


  1. Not for long I hope indeed Blossom, and not too long without a blog either - I've missed you.

  2. Good luck to you and Dawn Blossom, now you have got some folding money on the hip I am sure a good deal can be struck :)


  3. We are coming up to the Port on Sunday by car, so will be on the lookout for a cuppa and we can have a catch up chat.

  4. I used to see it moored at Kings Bromley Wharf and always thought it was one of the best looking working boats around, it just looked right.

  5. Blossom and Dawn I wish you well and hope you find a boat for yourselves soon,Good Luck.

    Very best of wishes from madcat
